Infant Massage
Photo taken by Kaja Powers at Puget Sound Birth Center, Kirkland
Chelsey is a certified educator of infant massage (ceim)…
Incorporating infant massage in your at-home routines is a beautiful way to promote bonding and attachment, aid in your baby's learning process, and aid in physiological processes (such as digestion!). Chelsey is excited to share massage with you and your family!
Infant massage is learned by parents and caregivers in a five-week consecutive group course (one class per week for five weeks) or in private in-home lessons. In each class a new part of your baby’s body is addressed, through massage techniques. Each class will focus on learning the new techniques and repeating the techniques learned in previous classes. At the end of the series caregivers will have learned an entire massage sequence that includes legs/feet, stomach, chest, arms/hands, face and back. Between classes, parents and caregivers are encouraged to practice at home with their infants. Other topics that are introduced, discussed, and taught in the course include:
Massage conditions - when and how to massage
Oil varieties
Infant behavioral states
Colic/Gas differences and routine for relief of symptoms
Touch Relaxation
Gentle movements
Difference between a physical cry and an emotional cry
Discussion on crying and listening
Benefits of infant massage for your baby, the caregiver, the family unit, and society
Infant reflexes
Bonding and Attachment
Understanding and responding to your baby’s cues
Conversations about teaching consent and body autonomy/gaining permission from your baby
Adaptations of the massage as your child grows
Songs/rhymes to use during infant massage
Please contact Chelsey directly at to inquire about her next infant massage class series or private in-home lessons.
Chelsey is certified as an educator of infant massage through Infant Massage USA and the International Association of Infant Massage.