Photo by Jessica Swan, MSM, LM, CPM
Photo taken at Puget Sound Birth Center (Kirkland, WA)
Pediatric & Teen Massage
Chelsey loves treating her youngest clients! In addition to being a Licensed Massage Therapist, she is a long-time nanny and very skilled at working with children. She will be adding infant massage classes for parents as soon as she obtains her educator certification!
Pediatric sessions are shorter in duration and caregivers remain in the treatment room for the child’s massages. Children are generally more receptive than adults so pediatric massage utilizes a gentler touch. Chelsey always communicates directly with her pediatric clients and obtains consent in an age-appropriate manner before proceeding with treatment.
The child will remain clothed in a swimsuit or athletic clothing and can be treated on the massage table or while sitting in their caregiver’s lap, depending on the situation, area(s) being treated, and comfortability of the child.
Reduces anxiety & stress
Promotes better sleep
Aids recovery from injuries, fractures, and sprains
Eases muscle aches and sports strain
Soothe growing pains